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MUSIC GENRE A music genre is a category (or genre) of pieces of music that share a certain style or "basic musical language".
Music can also be categorised by non-musical criteria such as geographical origin.
POPULAR MUSIC GENRE Blues - The Blues is a vocal and instrumental music form which emerged in the African-American community of
the United States. Blues evolved from West African spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants and has
its earliest stylistic roots in West Africa. This musical form has been a major influence on later American and Western
popular music, finding expression in ragtime, jazz, big bands, rhythm and blues, rock and roll and country music, as well
as conventional pop songs and even modern classical music. Due to its powerful influence that spawned other major musical
genres originating from America, blues can be regarded as the root of pop as well as American music.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Kanuni i Lekë Dukagjin
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Kanuni i Lekë Dukagjin Nga gojëdhënat popullore të Shqipërisë së veriut dhe të Kosovës, emri i Kanunit të Lekë Dukagjinit lidhet personalitetet e fisnikut dhe udhëheqësit shqiptarë të kohës së Gjergj Kastriotit - Skënderbeut, Lekë Dukagjinit. Mirëpo, historia shqiptare njeh disa personalitete me këtë emër. Kështu një grup shkencetarësh supozojnë se Leka III Dukagjini (1410-1481) e ka dhënë dhe e ka kodifikuar këtë Kanun. Këta shkencatë përpiqeshin gjatë shumë viteve që ta gjejnë tekstin e shkruar të këtij Kanuni. Shkenctari i njohur Shqiptarë Fan S. Noli konsideron se Kanuni është fryt i veprimtarisë dhe i qeverisjes së urtë të Pal Dukagjinit, vdekja e të cilit ishte humbje e madhe për Gjergj Kastriotin - Skënderbeun, ngase ai kishte dhënë kontributin më të çmueshëm në krijimin dhe ruajtjen e Lidhjës së Lezhës.Sot mbizotron mendimi shkencor se Kanuni i Lekë Dukagjinit as nuk është shkruar e as nuk është shpallur nga ndonjë personalitet i caktuar apo organ ligjdhënës, por paraqet të drejtën zakonore të shqiptarëve, e cila u krijua me kohë, në praktikë gjatë shekujve. Rregullat që përmban Kanuni u përkasin periodeve dhe kohëve të ndryshme historike. Si i tillë ky Kanun ka vlerë dhe rëndësi të posaçme jo vetëm për historinë e shtetit dhe të së drejtës shqiptare, por edhe për kulturën e përgjithshme kombëtare shqiptare.Si e drejtë e pashkruar dhe zakonore në vetëdijën e popullit shqiptarë, kanuni i Lekë Dukagjinit gjatë shumë shekujve konsiderohej si Ligj mbi Ligje, ngase pavarësisht nga rregullat e sjelljes shtetrore, ky Kanun ishte dhe mbeti për një kohë të gjatë rregullatori kryesorë i raporteve shoqërore shqiptare.Përmbledhja e thesarit të kulturës shqiptare e kishin vënë detyrë të posaçme priftërinjtë katolikë. Kështu Dom Lazër Mjeda dhe Dom Nikollë Ashta shumë vjetë ishin përpjekur të mblidhnin folklorin e në kuadër të tij edhe normat e kanunit të Lekë Dukagjinit. Vend të dalluar në mbledhjen e rregullave të kanunit zë studiuesi i mirënjohur Atë Shtefën Gjeçovi, i cili la në trashigim veprën më të kompletuar dhe shumë të rëndësishme të Kanunit të Lekë Dukagjinit.Kanuni i Lekë Dukagjinit përmban rregulla stautore, familjare juridike, civilo-juridike, penalo-juridike si dhe rregulla konkrete mbi procedurën penale dhe civile. Në disa rregulla kanunore vërejmë ndryshime rajonale apo edhe variante, mirëpo kryesisht në dispozitat që rregullonin pozitën e kishës, mikpritjen, besën dhe gjakmarrjen vërejmë rregulla të njejta për të gjitha viset shqiptare, ku vlente kanuni i Lekë Dukagjinit. Rregullat konunore të karakterit penalo-juridik, në mënyrë të veçantë trajtonin konceptin e veprës penale, çështjen e paramendimit, përkujdesinë, bashkëpjesëmarrjen etj.Kanuni i Lekë Dukagjinit njeh këto sanksione penale: dënimin me vdekje, gjakmarrjen, dëbimin nga bashkësia, bojkotin - leçitjen etj. të cilat shqiptoheshin ndaj kryesit të veprës penale e në raste të caktuara edhe ndaj familjes së tij. Përpos këtyre dënimeve kanuni rregullonte në mënyrë precize edhe dënimet pronësore si gjobitjen, dënimin me të holla, konfiskimin e pasurisë, asgjësimin e pasurisë, rrëzimin e shtëpisë, prerjen e pemëve etj. Dënimet i shqiptonte gjyqi i pleqëve, kuvendi i vllazërisë apo ai i fisit. Dënimet e rënda shqiptoheshin ngaj kryesve të veprave të tradhëtisë, kryësve të veprave kundër Besës (fjalës së nderit), kryesve të veprave kundër moralit, atyre të mikpritjes, kundër kishes etj. Kanuni njihte dhe rregullonte në mënyrë të posaçme institucionin e strehimit. Sipas këtyre rregullave familjet, bashkësitë dhe fiset janë të detyruara t`u sigurojnë përherë strehim individëve apo familjeve që këtë e kërkonin në raste rreziku apo rreziqe të tjera të jetës pa marrë parasyesh se kush i kërkonte.
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By Ian Burrell, Home Affairs Correspondent 18 June 2001
The Albanian mafia has seized control of the Soho vice trade, according to a Home Office report.
In the space of less than a year, the ruthless Eastern European crime network has moved into almost all of the saunas and massage parlours in the heart of Britain's sex industry. The development is described as a "revolution" by one government source.
A Home Office briefing, seen by The Independent, says: "Around 70 per cent of sauna/massage parlours in London's Soho [are] now controlled by Albanians/Kosovars." The briefing said that the "tightening grip" of Albanian gangs on the vice trade was "changing the landscape" of Britain's sex industry. The Albanian mafia's establishment of a foothold in Britain is of deep concern to law enforcement agencies, which have been concerned by the crime network's growing presence in other parts of Europe.
A source said: "Twelve months ago, Albanian organised crime was not an issue for the UK. Their infiltration has been very swift."
Albanian gangs already control much of the vice in Greece, Germany and Italy, where they have been prepared to take on the Italian Mafia, particularly in Milan. The Home Office report follows a shocking study by Save the Children last March, which revealed that thousands of Albanian girls as young as 14 were being abducted from their families and sent overseas to work as prostitutes.
A concerted police raid on Soho brothels in February revealed that 80 per cent of women working as prostitutes were from overseas, mostly from the Balkans and Baltic states. According to the National Criminal Intelligence Service, Albanian women are also being moved to red light areas in the north of England and the Midlands. Nearly a decade ago it was predicted that Russian organised crime would seek to exert influence over the British vice trade but instead it is Albanian gangs that have taken control.
Inspector Paul Holmes, of the Metropolitan Police clubs and vice unit, said the Albanians had come to prominence "very rapidly" by striking a deal with the Maltese and East End London gangsters who have traditionally dominated the Soho vice scene. Inspector Holmes said he believed that 70 to 75 per cent of women working in UK brothels were now from Albania or were Kosovo Albanians.
"The Albanians have inserted their girls into the existing infrastructure [of brothels] but the women are being controlled by organised criminals," he said.
The arrival of the Albanian mafia has not yet led to violence. Inspector Holmes described the relationship between the Albanians and the traditional London vice rackets as "almost like a comfortable bedfellow thing.
"The people that run these places want a set level of money and don't care whether the girls are from Albania or Mars. But we are concerned at what will happen when the turf is full and the Albanians start setting up their own places."
Similar scenarios in Italy and Germany have led to violent clashes, with the Albanian gangs demonstrating that they are incomparably ruthless and heavily armed.
But some women's groups challenge the official view of Albanian prostitution in London. They argue that the women, many of whom are seeking asylum, are not being victimised and are grateful for an opportunity to earn money.
Niki Adams of the English Collective of Prostitutes said all the Albanian women she had met had claimed to be "working independently" and none had said they were exploited by criminal racketeers.
"There are a number of women in Soho who are sending money back to their families and have said to us, 'I am the only wage earner in my family'," she said.
Inspector Holmes said 90 per cent of the women knew they would be working as prostitutes when they left Albania but he rejected the idea that they were working independently. "What they believe is that once they have paid their debt bond they will be able to make significant money for themselves. The reality is completely different," he said. "At its most benign it is ruthless exploitation and at its most malevolent it is rape on a daily basis." Albanian prostitutes were terrified of giving evidence against their pimps in case of reprisals against their families, he said.
The problem of the Albanian mafia in Britain will be raised tomorrow in Edinburgh, when some of the world's foremost experts on organised crime will meet to discuss emerging trends at the Global Forum for Law Enforcement and National Security.
The guest speaker, Mark Galeotti, the director of the organised crime centre at Keele University, told The Independent that the Albanian mafia was "the key crime group emerging at the moment" in Britain.
The old territorial crime families were "increasingly dinosaurial", he said.
(c) ' The Independent', 2001, Reprinted for Fair Use Only ***
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Three years ago, Albanian gangsters stormed a Gambino hangout in Astoria, sending a brazen message to the Mafia.
The club, called Soccer Fever, was now theirs.
The seven men who invaded the dimly lit basement club tore the joint apart, shot off handguns and beat the club manager bloody, prosecutors say. It was bold - and, prior to August 2001, unthinkable.
Capitalizing on disarray within traditional Italian organized crime, the Albanian gang was bidding to give New York - and prosecutors - another crime family to deal with.
"You're used to us speaking about the five families," said Fred Snellings, head of the FBI-New York's criminal division. "Well, this must be the sixth family."
The feds did not watch idly as the new family emerged.
Last week, Interim Manhattan U.S. Attorney David Kelley announced a crippling blow to the Albanian group, with the arrests of 22 members, including its leadership.
Prosecutors, who also put out a wanted photo of a 23rd member, Miri Patani, described a lucrative gambling operation built on fear.
Prosecutors say the Albanian gang is headed by Alex Rudaj (who stole the nickname "Allie Boy" from the Colombo family's boss), Nikola (Nicky Nails) Dedaj and an Italian named Nardino Colotti, who had ties to the late Gambino soldier Skinny Phil Loscalzo.
With bosses of the five Cosa Nostra families behind bars, and the mob being buffeted by turncoats working for the feds, the new family operated without fear. They beat up Colombo and Gambino associates, they pointed a gun at the face of a Mount Vernon bar owner, and they shot a man five times in the back of his neck. Somehow, he survived.
"They were incredibly violent and incredibly feared on the street," Assistant U.S. Attorney Timothy Treanor said in court.
The Rudaj organization grabbed up turf in Queens, the Bronx and Westchester County from the Gambino, Luchese and Colombo families. Rudaj was the titular head. Dedaj was the group's enforcer.
Colotti provided a connection to the traditional mob - whether to bargain or deliver threats. He enabled the organization "to negotiate its way into gaining more territory and to get out of bad situations where the organization was at risk," Treanor said.
For instance, the Rudaj organization "took over from the Luchese family all of the gambling in Astoria in the summer of 2001," Treanor said.
At the time, the FBI videotaped Colotti meeting with Luchese consigliere Joseph Caridi, prosecutor Treanor said.
And after the Albanians shut down the Gambinos' Soccer Fever operation, the government observed Colotti meeting with Anthony Megale, acting underboss of the Gambino family. Originally published on November 1, 2004
Video News
Video is the technology of capturing, recording, processing, transmitting, and reconstructing moving pictures, typically using celluloid film, electronic signals, or digital media, primarily for viewing on television or computer monitors.
Video Game
A video game is a computer game where a video display such as a monitor or television is the primary feedback device. The term "computer game" also includes games which display only text (and which can therefore theoretically be played on a teletypewriter) or which use other methods, such as sound or vibration, as their primary feedback device, but there are very few new games in these categories. There always must also be some sort of input device, usually in the form of button/joystick combinations (on arcade games), a keyboard & mouse/trackball combination (computer games), or a controller (console games), or a combination of any of the above. Also, more esoteric devices have been used for input (see also Game controller). Usually there are rules and goals, but in more open-ended games the player may be free to do whatever they like within the confines of the virtual universe.
NOTESBlues - The Blues is a vocal and instrumental music form which emerged in the African-American community of
the United States. Blues evolved from West African spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants and has
its earliest stylistic roots in West Africa. This musical form has been a major influence on later American and Western
popular music, finding expression in ragtime, jazz, big bands, rhythm and blues, rock and roll and country music, as well
as conventional pop songs and even modern classical music. Due to its powerful influence that spawned other major musical
genres originating from America, blues can be regarded as the root of pop as well as American music. Hip Hop/Rap - Hip hop music (also referred to as rap or rap music) is a style of popular music. It is made up of two
main components: rapping (MCing) and DJing (audio mixing and scratching). Along with breakdancing and graffiti (tagging)
these are the four elements of hip hop, a cultural movement that was initiated by inner-city youth (mostly minorities such
as African Americans and Latinos) in New York City in the early 1970s. Typically, hip hop music consists of one or more rappers
who tell semi-autobiographic tales, often relating to a fictionalized counterpart, in an intensely rhythmic lyrical form making
abundant use of techniques like assonance, alliteration, and rhyme. The rapper is accompanied by an instrumental track, usually
referred to as a "beat", performed by a DJ, created by a producer, or one or more instrumentalists. This beat is often created
using a sample of the percussion break of another song, usually a funk, rock, or soul recording. In addition to the beat other
sounds are often sampled, synthesized, or performed. Sometimes a track can be instrumental, as a showcase of the skills of the
DJ or producer. Rhythm and Blues - Rhythm and blues is a name for black popular music tradition. When speaking strictly of "rhythm 'n' blues",
the term may refer to black pop-music from 1940s to 1960s that was not jazz nor blues but something more lightweight. The term "R&B"
often refers to any contemporary black pop music. Early-1950s R&B music became popular with both black and white audiences, and
popular records were often covered by white artists, leading to the development of rock and roll.A notable subgenre of
rhythm 'n' blues was doo-wop, which put emphasis on polyphonic singing. In the early 1960s rhythm 'n' blues took influences from
gospel and rock and roll and thus soul music was born. In the late 1960s, funk music started to evolve out of soul; by the 1970s
funk had become its own subgenre that stressed complex, "funky" rhythm patterns and monotonistic compositions based on a riff or two.
In the early to mid 1970s, hip hop music (also known as "rap") grew out of funk and reggae. Funk and soul music evolved into
contemporary R&B (no longer an acronym) in the 1980s, which cross-pollinated with hip-hop for the rest of the 20th century and
into the 21st century.